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Joker Jack Joaquin Mark Heath Cesar Signature shirt


Ian Connell It’s a masterpiece, dude. It blew me away. Ian Connell its incredible! His best performance to date. I’m fully expecting it to be amazing.. even after the outstanding Heath RIP. Joker Jack Joaquin Mark Heath Cesar Signature shirt

Joker Jack Joaquin Mark Heath Cesar Signature shirt

Sam Bowers Ridiculous. Stop making movies cuz people might do something.Let’s censor and not make anything because it might do this. Tired of this weak ass argument every time a movie like this is released. Oh no someone killed my dog now I’m john wick. Jerry Hart II no no no. I agree with you when it comes to pretty much every movie but this. Joker is practically asking the audience to commit murder. It’s written to directly appeal to people who commit mass shootings and bombings, telling them they will be rewarded and made a hero for killing innocent people. I really hope all these people who are saying it is great are being ironic. I can see why DC didn’t want it to be part of the DCEU. It was completely manufactured edge. Also it was like Todd Phillips understood that joker kills but that was it. It’s not good. Honestly I will say though. I wouldn’t mind seeing Joaquin Phoenix played The Joker again…just not this version. I would want to see him play a competent one. This version is definitely not coming up with schemes that pose any threat to the world’s greatest detective.

Joker Jack Joaquin Mark Heath Cesar Signature shirt
Joker Jack Joaquin Mark Heath Cesar Signature guy v-neck