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The titanic vs the kraken poster


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It is really interesting how posters hear are bailing on Fox News. There must be a point where Trump and his sycophants BS gets too deep.. Kristen Fisher opinions don’t matter to me. She has switched to the left. No more Fox news for me. I’ll be watching the REAL news!. Fox News is a huge embarrassment. You’re done!. Sean needs a vacation. Poor guy needs a good cry.. Go Hannity! I’m afraid Tucker Carlson is turning on us. What is going on over there? Guess the patients have taken over the asylum. Use to watch 24/7. Sick. So many I enjoyed. Some of my favorites turn about a year ago. Neil specifically my favorite is the worse. I guess you can get professor positions and teach our kids how to hate America too.. I used to think that Kristen Fisher was a decent reporter. Now, I realize that she isn’t “reporting” the news, she is “commentating”. VERY disappointing!!! I discovered today, that she sucks as a “reporter”!!

The titanic vs the kraken poster

The titanic vs the kraken poster

Nobody is tuning in to FNC. Ratings in the basement. Advertising department is going to have a tough time selling without cutting the rates.. The DEP has screwed us over big time by giving us a dock permit and now taking it away. If anyone can help, we’d appreciate it very much! We live in Clay County on Doctor’s Lake and this agency is bullying us and wants our dock to be taken down 1 1/2 years after issuing us proper permits.. Fox News has turned communist.. Within 6 months Fox will have fewer viewers than MSNBC and thats saying something. LMAO.. Fox is making a hard left.. Sorry Lawrence, your a good guy. But no can do!. fox news is now lower than msnbc and cnn. Funny how fast and deep that rock dropped….taking all of them down with it…turn on truth and open up the dark side, dark is what you get. President Donald J Trump was correct–again. fox news dropped off the deep end, and they can’t swim. gobble, gobble, gobble….no turkey for fox news. fox news sucks! no

The titanic vs the kraken poster

The titanic vs the kraken poster

Until someone can explain to me why we have a Justice Barrett but not a Justice Garland I really don’t want to hear about Democrats being the cheaters. Know what sean? I’ve moved on. Poor Sean has lost all credibility and viewers to boot.. SEAN HANNITY Please Please Help save out Country And resign from Fox on Principal. Sand with Rudolph Giuliani and Sidney Powell. Join the fight leave the enemy’s camp.. Sean, you better jump ship. FOX is going down! I’m done with Fox, so that means I’m leaving you, The Five and Laura Ingram until you find a new unbiased home.. Kristen Fisher needs to go! Reporters like her are the reason I no longer watch Fox News!! . Fox News is a joke! Watch Newsmax if you want to actually hear from the President and his attorneys.. Switch to Newsmax!!!. Oh well nothing new at least people in jail an prison will have Thanksgiving lol

The titanic vs the kraken poster

You’re welcome to follow me.
Allow me to be clear…
The questionable MILLIONS of votes, that can and will be proven in court of law, shows only one person Biden as checked. Everything below that was blank. Totally not realistic.
Raised eyebrows that included numbers and incidents that occurred that indicates to look further into.
The MILLIONS “glitch” switch from Trump to Biden is on record, pertaining to the exact time stamps of this corruption.
President Trump’s team has three lawsuits total. The only withdrawn lawsuit is in Michigan so look that up of why.
To those lefties who throw out I’m getting paid…
I don’t need to get paid to protect my country from corruption, corrupted media, corrupted politicians and corrupted government officials.
I’ll put 24/7 of my time to set the records straight. Because my children and future generations deserve to live in a free country that I grew up in.
My President has directly been the role model in protecting this country and her people without accepting a penny to do so…
That’s true leadership!!!
So keep moving with your leftie BS… and you’re welcome because I just saved you a meltdown when the official announcement reports PRESIDENT TRUMP WON IN A LANDSLIDE!!!

I am so sorry lawrence. I no longer watch FOX because they are a disgrace. They have become CNN. You would be better off to go off in your own. The way they treated sydney powell. I want nothing to do with them. Who is that Kirsten Fisher? As a reporter, a mediocre one at that, I do not want to hear her opinion. I watched the Giuliani and Powell news conference on Newsmax. They both gave a lot of facts. The only BS was from Fisher. You’ve lost me as a viewer. Today was the last straw. If I want to watch silly millennials or socialists, I can watch mainstream media.. Fox can go to hell!!!! No device of mine will ever have them on it again. Finally revealed as the seditious traitors they are! Wont be long before Tucker is gone and he should leave as well as Sean and Mark. When Laura shut down Sydney Powell talkin about her evidence and Laura told her what she was saying had already been fact checked and found false, She showed her cards. Trump 2020 -2024-2028 and beyond