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Cthulhu everything will kill you so choose something fun poster


Nothing was done beforehand to stop all this fraud. Republicans just proved how weak they are. Trump was left to fight alone. You destroyed the Republican Party! Pack your bags Sleepy Trump and move to Russia!. Rigged like the Presidential. They ignore the laws and Covid was just the cover to push their agenda.. Have you packed yet?? You’re moving out of the White House in two weeks!. What did we expect…no changes were made in the Georgia Senate runoff than we just had on November 3rd. Same absurd amount of mail in votes and Dominion software. No matter what side you are on…truth is deep down everyone with a brain has to be wond… See More. A friend of mine posted a newscast from CNN where they magically dropped his total by over 30,000 votes while it was still being tallied Lord only knows how many times they did it Cthulhu everything will kill you so choose something fun poster

Cthulhu everything will kill you so choose something fun poster

Cthulhu everything will kill you so choose something fun poster

Well of course you thought you won! You also thought that you’re inauguration was bigger crowded then Obama’s! You are imagine things that ain’t there! #Trumplost #BidenHarris2020. The truth is beyond bizarre, twisted and evil beyond the reckoning of most… pray for full disclosure… President Trump can declassify it all… if he will.. the truth will destroy the pillars of our institution…. Agreed.. Us Georgians knew they would cheat BUT we still showed up and voted. Let’s checks these ballots and see which ones are legal !. To you everything is rigged…you think because you rigged 4 years down the line everyone else does as you did? The turn out was to seal all your loopholes. #Respectdemocracy#. You’ve done enough damage to the Republican Party. I hope they can recover.. You are the Biggest Threat to America!!!!!!! A Country Divided, will Fall!!!! America is at home Waiting on Welfare checks!! We’re Closed!!! You Failed America!!! Cthulhu everything will kill you so choose something fun poster

Best Cthulhu everything will kill you so choose something fun poster

Cthulhu everything will kill you so choose something fun posterCthulhu everything will kill you so choose something fun poster

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