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Camera anyone can take a picture poster


The Art of the Steal. Democrats have mastered this and they are proving there’s nothing anyone can or will do about it.. Just waiting on you now to pull the trigger and bust everyone. We know you won, you know you won. I guess to really expose the corruption, you have to let these democrats fall into their own traps and then expose them caught red handed. I want to co… See More. Ballot dumps in GA. Looks like this is going to be another steal. Smh Some people just don’t get what this means. You NEVER ever have to vote again. From now on they will continue the control you. Thank every single democrat. Thank you. Hope you like w… See More. They are so brazen that they went on to rig again even after all the noise you are making. I’m sure now you have the evidence of election rigging since Republican observers knew exactly how the Dems made you a one term president. Camera anyone can take a picture poster

Camera anyone can take a picture poster

Camera anyone can take a picture poster

I pray Pence does the right thing and he does not get threatened like the rest,,. Looks like Blue has become the color of treason!. Why this US election is so important for all people around the world? Camera anyone can take a picture poster All world is always looking with a big interest who is going to be next leader of free world and democracy.. Trump just go home and accept defeat Jan 20th is around the corner and us will have a new president. I am not an American, But I on seriously praying for President J. Tump. The world is reading, listening and watching what is happening. I pray that the Almighty God MUST intervene and let the HONESTY and truth be out.. They got away with the first election, we didn’t expect any less with the Georgia election. Punishment has to be severe to all who participated. How can anyone with any morals or soul vote for a man who supports, “God Damn” America? I am ashamed of our… See More

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