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Finish girls are sunshine mug


I wish we could get justice for our country, they have wasted time and the tax payers money on bullshit. Wake up Democrats!!!. You have done so much for our country and all with your hands tied. You’ve been bullied way too long and handled so wellsad that you have to endure such hatred. So many of us pray and are standing beside you. Don’t let it get to you. Stay strong.. We wouldn’t be exhausted from the left, that’s for sure. Time to turn the tables. Trump 2020. man…the wheels are really coming off now. Hes losing hard guys. and he knows he’ll go to jail if he doesn’t have presidential immunity again… so he’s trying as hard as he can to get an edge…. We know you would have even done more if you would have been allowed to! Sick of their crap!. we knew all along.. Just wish those that was behind all this could be prosecuted.. Finish girls are sunshine mug 

Finish girls are sunshine mug

Finish girls are sunshine mug

We can’t wait until you and your family disappear! You are the worst thing to ever happen to America.. This is a sad desperate effort. Someones been looking at the polls.. Yes he must. Biden and his son are corrupt as are all these Dems. Why do they want to win so bad that they will cheat. To hide their corruption. Yeah, he’ll get right on that when you release your full tax returns and tell us who you are indebted to.. Joes part of the establishment. The arm pit of dc. Exactly what everyone should want out. They’ll protect him. That’s what happens when you play the game in dc. And it needs to end.. Biden can not lead a country when he is bought and paid for by other countries shows weakness and sells us out using our tax dollars for his own personal gain!. Trump 2020 bcuz he is for the people. Freedom. Lower taxes. Loves all peoples. Platinum plan. And much more. He delivers his promises. Finish girls are sunshine mug 

Finish girls are sunshine mug

Finish girls are sunshine mug

This guy never stops. Hardest working president ever. Sleepy Joe pokes his head up from his basement to occasionally see his massive 3 car parade. Joe is not running for President anyway. He is running for Senate now according to him.. That is the most beautiful flag
in the world . YOU are the GREATEST PRESIDENT in HISTORY. I live in Australia and this brings tears to my eyes – just love the patriotism of the citizens………… This is amazing! I watched it live! Huge crowd and so much enthusiasm! I will be voting for you Sir!. Keep up the great work Sir. We do appreciate you. 4 more years.. AWESOME SO PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN RIGHT NOW!!!. great, good to see the best President in history, back on the trail again. Trump 2020!! Also I absolutely love that huge American Flag! Its beautiful!. Your crowds are amazing, I believe your on a great path for re election

Little whinny haters cant wait for all the drama nov 3 when trump wins in a landslide. You’re the president of the United States, the most powerful man in the world, make it happen. Don’t ask him, make him!. Biden was in Erie this week and said our locomotive engine plant, one of the largest employees in town was going out for business . Now the whole town is worried about their jobs. The Erie news is telling people its not true. Our company ceo is sending… . Uh oh!! Well, good news is since he’s kinda out of touch… he won’t realize the implications, and that should relieve some stress on him. Yes Biden should. He is a career criminal. This is over billions of dollars and you all saying things bout Trumps tax returns that mean nothing. No wonder this country is in the mess it’s in.

You was great energizer bunny, you knocked it out of the park. You had the folks from the great State of Iowa going crazy as you do every where you go. Praying for you and your awesome family and our GREAT UNITED STATES.. I will remember it for the rest of my life! Seeing Air-Force One hit the tarmac in person incredible.. Wish I was there!! But Im on the verge of losing my job due to covid policies,,,I couldn’t afford to call in again. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.. Another beautiful huge crowd that the cameramen will not show.. Thank you mr. trump for putting Americans first the shook family will be voting for you. Incredible! The more you’re criticized, the more you grow.
I’m so excited to see these crowds any where you go.