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Dreckige hande sind ein zeichen fur sauberes geld tasse


From today on I will be a supper fan of Jorge. Thank you for endorsing the world most hardworking human on planet earth. #Trump2020. You don’t fire the multi super bowl winning coach and replace him with a coach that hasn’t won a game in almost 5 decades! Loved it!. We the smart Latino know that. I find it beautiful that the individual athletes are able to voice their political opinions; but the UFC doesn’t dabble in politics; NBA and NFL could learn a thing or two. . A guy with barely any braincells left is a good proxy for your supporter base. A little pandering but POTUS loves the UFC and POTUS helped the UFC during a tough time in his failed casinos, but he brought them UP while he was going DOWN. There probably would not be a UFC without a DJT. I have liked GameBread since Kimbo Slice bac… Dreckige hande sind ein zeichen fur sauberes geld tasse 

Dreckige hande sind ein zeichen fur sauberes geld tasse

Dreckige hande sind ein zeichen fur sauberes geld tasse

Id give you my Vote President Trump but I am not a citizen of this country. I’ve been here 30 years and I am trying to become a Citizen but there are few things that’s stopping me from filling out the paper work. Not gonna lie to ya but if I could Vot… . Cali is turning into a third world country build a wall!. Cali going Red, Sir. I feel it. Wouldn’t that be something. How can they not? NY too.. Voting for you sir!! I live in California and I’m sick of all the damn dems screwing us over!!! TRUMP 2020. Steal California and it would be the ultimate FU to the left!!!!. They are coming to Nevada and ruining our state!. Save our elderly in Michigan nursing homes. Voting Trump. Still want out. Tired of gas prices, taxes, and Newsom and all his repulsive laws. Heck! Criminals have more right than we do. Dreckige hande sind ein zeichen fur sauberes geld tasse 

Dreckige hande sind ein zeichen fur sauberes geld tasse

Dreckige hande sind ein zeichen fur sauberes geld tasse

Funny how the Rock and Jorge are such good friends yet the rock ignorantly endorsed Biden and Jorge Dont care because he’s not a sell out. Biden panders to every demographic that he can get – except for Conservatives – because he knows they are too astute. He should be called Joe the chameleon, or Wishy Washy Joe.. Too many hits to the head!. All Democrats pander to Hispanics and Blacks while actually not doing anything for them except trying to lock them into a life of dependency on government handouts. Can you be tough and smart and help my family and my people in armenia. Please do something.. Come November 3rd, Donald J Trump will win by even a bigger margin compared to 2016. Then, he will win the Nobel Peace prize for his outstanding contribution towards world peace. Biden on the otherhand will be a finalist just like Hillary!

Newsflash, the democrats pander to any significant voting block that is not a white man. Divide and conquer.. I truly don’t understand how any woman could vote for him!. Biden panders to all of America, his plans would absolutely destroy the economy, our stock markets, they would also cause unemployment numbers to rise, the people who plan to retire would lose their asses if they are invested domestically on their 401k… . got my utmost respect for my boy masvidal.. inside and outside the octagon. other athletes are told to shut up and play their sport; but if they come out in support of glorious leader we should listen. Colby and Jorge my two favorite fighters also back my favorite president. Understandable. Too many hits to the head.. Id hope you never going to be US president Again For the Sake of the entire world.. Always like Masvidal, he is fearless. Wish he would have had the chance to silence Mcgregor for eternity.

Love both you guys! Congratulations . I always respected you as a fighter; I now respect you indefinitely as a great man, and an inspirational voice promoting truth and prosperity to the Latino community. What a remarkable contribution you are to pro sports and our great nation!! . Mr. President, I heard a Pop song on a music awards show about you. It is so lame. The left has to hijack all of our entertainment. We need to make our own entertainment industry so we can listen to music in peace.. The BMF made me proud today!. I love that my President is also up playing on his phone! Lol. WE LOVE YOU!!. It’s not at all a “claim”, Joe absolutely panders to Latinos I mean the guy is soo out of touch trying to pander using a song that was popular 2 years ago.. That was a great endorsement and comes from a guy with a solid vision. He has never swayed from where he stands as a person since I have known of him. #Americastrong!