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Samurai to my son love dad poster


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I had my chow shepherd mix pup with me years ago in Georgia. I was checking out a fishing spot at a lake close to a truck stop. I set the dog down on the bank and made her sit and stay up the bank. I knew there were Gators there that’s what I was looki… Samurai to my son love dad poster. See More. The heading should be “A man took away a gator’s food”. Poor alligator. . Maybe the gator was trying to save him too and the guy jumped in there and started whacking him for no reason. We will never know for sure.. This gent save the pup with his cigar in his mouth the whole time. Strange that he didnt shout or talked to the dog or the alligator. So he must be used to play with alligators.. He kept his cigar as well, am I right?? He’s a KING!!!. This is why I live where the air hurts my face for 3 months out of the year.

Samurai to my son love dad poster

Samurai to my son love dad poster

Just a normal day for us in Florida everybody knows when you walk your dog that close to the water your there to feed the alligators he must be a a snow bird from the north not very bright. Lara Moorcroft this guy is a hero for saving doggo. A US real life crocodile Dundee (I know its a gator)…. Mick Dundee would be proud. “ it gives us a new appreciation they are wildlife”. You best believe if that was my dog I’d be going home with some new gator skin boots. I want to be this man when I grow up. Fought off an alligator while trying to rescue his tiny dog, never lost the cigar he was holding in his lips, if he had a beer that alligator would have a bottle shoved up his behind lol. This guy is from just up the road from me. Bloody legend never even dropped his cigar. Expensive dog, expensive cigar, no gator is going to get either one of them!

Samurai to my son love dad poster

Samurai to my son love dad poster

This is for you, Ozzy Man, the best of all commentaries…. I once saved a fish from drowning. You should have seen em. He was so excited. He kept dancing and dancing.. Finally a Florida man I can be proud of.. And check that he never lost that huge stogie the whole time. What a guy!. If that was my dog, I would have done the same thing, except the gator would have been turned into a new wallet. Samurai to my son love dad poster. Now THAT is the dedication I love to see from an animals lover, good lord . I’m surprised the puppy came off barely touched. I would have thought the alligator would have punctured it’s stomach or snapped a bone atleast, what an incredibly lucky little dog. Bubba J Simmons. I applaud this man for his active kindness. Now can we rescue the billions of animals each day that suffer on factory farms?

Samurai to my son love dad poster

My WiFi password is one 2 three 4s and five 6s.. If you’re password is meant to keep your account safe and only you are meant to know it how can they make a list of most used passwords they shouldn’t know what your password is unless you tell them. I misread and thought you wrote the most common password is “sh*t”. The most common password here in NZ is “All Blacks” yeh there was alot of hacking going on . Signed up for something couple weeks ago, password could have up to 360 characters…. Who the hell would use 360!?! Half way through page times out.. Scott A. Snyder. Hahah people are stupid thats why I always use 654GTXytt nobody could figure that out. MAN it has to be 12 characters you can’t have this you cant have that , if you happen to try and put your new password in 3 times then you have to make a new one?????

No excuse not to use a password manager. I know virtually none of my passwords, and they are all lengthy (20-100 chars depending on what the site allows) and just completely random.. Right now people are searching for their password to see how common it is. All anyone needs to do is read those searches and they can crack everyone’s password!. Erick Josue Falcon. This article read like a “oh look I got paid somewhere like I got sponsored to do so” piece. The sheer amount of time I saw NORDPAS just, well it irked me. people are dolts, take em to the water and then they try water the lillies instead of drinking. This isnt a new thing, dont have a password, have a pass-phrase. A sentence or something thats been changed a bit. Come on guys, and galls, ure better than this! . Peter Davies. I had a colleague who used Password as his Password. As the years went by & he had to renew it, every couple of months, it it went
Password2 then after
Password10, he went to
1Password then at 10Password he went to Password11 etc. He’s still going. Next to his Computer is a Post it with a letter P, with either a number before or after.
Mine ? Well I base it on an ex Girlfriend’s Name. I wrote the name down, then numbered the letters 1 to 18. then I pick numbers based on Random picks
So if the Name were DAVE & I picked 4 & 2 the letters will be Ea then the numbers are based the same way on the 8 figure date. (26.11. 2020) for the day of the change.