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We’re all mad here doormat


Well from what I see the pop culture references are now historical figures affected by racism, the camp is seen in the overtly racist police in each episode. We’re all mad here doormat. as well as the white wizards (literally), and each episode tells a different story apart of the larger tale.

We’re all mad here doormat

We&#8217;re all mad here doormat

There is plenty of psychological horror to go around and a few literal monsters that I feel will return. I believe its a retelling that takes the aspects which made it exclusionary or racist back in the day and flips it, making the racism the main villain. I can appreciate a modern day focus that does not come off as pandering, but actually tells a good story which so far it is. Im a big fan of HP Lovecraft and enjoy horror movies, but I hate the overt racism you and the writers have in this show. We’re all mad here doormat. Yes there was was racism in the old days but not every white person was a bigot and racist. Im 70 and I had black friends. I grew up in Louisiana. I can say that things now are much much worse than the late 60s. In those days I went to black nightclubs and never had any problems. I spent 32 years in the Army and the only color we cared about was Army Green. They aren’t meant to be undertones with either show. Its about racism…thats literally the main storyline of each show. It is difficult to limit all of Islam into a few core values. Nevertheless, the most important beliefs and religious practices were identified by Prophet Muhammad himself.