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Too many people meeting up. Too many people not masking up. Too many people not taking it seriously. Stupid government opening up in person schools again without proper precautions.. If they do they that they all need sacking. F..king peoples livelihoods.. Love the objective criteria’Positivity in the general population’…yeah your numbers are dropping but tier 3 cos you’re a miserable bunch lol. Tier 3 for us Northerners and no doubt Tier 1/2 for London! How can that be right. . The media: Boris is bad he doesn’t want to send 14bn in foreign aid. Yvonne Canham Unisex 3D Graphic Hoodies Sweatshirts Animals Dogs Smiling Pomeranian Obviously all these lockdowns and wearing masks are seemingly not working or are we all being conned so we will be queuing for this ‘miracle vaccine ‘. Just a few more different rules not much difference and no mention on the new tests we was all promised or the important test and trace that wasn’t working properly thay promise to sort that out before opening up again

Unisex 3D Graphic Hoodies Sweatshirts Animals Dogs Smiling Pomeranian

Unisex 3D Graphic Hoodies Sweatshirts Animals Dogs Smiling Pomeranian

Jonathan Kern. Psychedelics have been part of human culture as long as weve been relatively sentient Strong arguments going that they helped our development too……. …dope fiends everywhere rejoice. So what, now researchers and White House Officials -Press Secretaries included, are going to try and be saying the Biblical prophet of long ago was only a delusional nutcase tripping on a hallucinogenic plant and, did not truly hear GOD within the wind… . Four hundred years ago is hardly pre-historic.. Looks like a manipulated Swastika.. John F Dove. That’s a spiral galaxy . Human reached ‘high’ even before.. Have it here in Mauritius . Tomorrow on Joe Rogan… . Sorush Gholami Unisex 3D Graphic Hoodies Sweatshirts Animals Dogs Smiling Pomeranian Those guys knew their stuff Play GIF. California has never changed . God created these plants for human consumption because they have healing tendencies. And men/women of old made positive use of them. Not what we have now.. Wonder what they did in an mind altered state eh?,..

Unisex 3D Graphic Hoodies Sweatshirts Animals Dogs Smiling Pomeranian

Arvind Kumar
Come to India during Shivratri , we worship our lord Shiva with Dhatura , you can find this plant easily around lord Shiva temples. Pretty cool our ancestors knew how to party. Doubt that remains of chewed plant were found.. Martin Williams. Utsav Kumar. Douglas McCristal. could already be legal in CA, even back then.. So, those ancient societies that people keep idealizing were a bunch of dope heads too. I guess they too dealt with stress the same way.. Read up on Datura trip reports, this is not a fun drug or something you want to mess with unless you are really sure.. Joe Rogan has entered the chat. Yey for traditional medicine.. The symbol was found when scientists removed a Phish poster from the walls.. PROPHECY OF ISAIAS (ISAIAH) 17 [8] And he shall not look to the altars which his hands made: and he shall not have respect to the things that his fingers wrought, such as groves and temples. [9] In that day his strong cities shall be forsaken, as the p…

Almost like constant media scaring and manipulation to portray people spreading a virus unwittingly as killers has this effect…………. Andy Woolford. How horrible. Like he can be blamed. So stupid. People are so stupid to think this virus is not in charge.. It is FAR more likely that his patient gave it to him!!! Good grief. He followed the rules and even checked to clarify. Poor man.And remember at the time you couldnt get tested if not fitting criteria” .Who decided that medical staff should be exemp… . Στέφ Ζαχάρ. Because people are stupid and filled with fear which is fueled by social media and tv media.. They are just using the illness to be racist and destroy this mans life.. I am sympathize with him , because such a behavior generates hatred. Hey BBC News Please stop using the word Pariah. It is not appropriate to use it in 21st century. Thanks

Shame. BBC still writing headlines and using P’ word in this context or any for that matter!. idiots patient zero is the very first one ,at the start of the pandemic,that means patient zero is in china ,probably long disposed of . Red herrings. One word, scapegoat. How many of us have strictly followed the guidelines? We are all, potentially, patient zero.. How is it his fault..the virus is everywhere now !!! Jezzz leave the man alone. There is no one who is immune to problems. We can all find ourselves in such a mess. We learn from mistakes. This whole Covid is and was new to each one of us especially -1st wave.. which had lots of confusion from media ..the testing kits some were fa… . Given the fact that white Americans seems most enthusiastic about and successful at spreading Covid, blaming foreigners and minorities seems out of touch