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Seattle seahawks champion claw skinny tumbler


Get off your band wagon Oprah Winfrey..You stir up and spout rubbish. Seattle seahawks champion claw skinny tumbler Oprah…always thought she cared about ppl now stand backish on her stuff Have lost any respect for her she isnot helping things!! I appreciate what Oprah is doing. She is only doing what’s right. I don’t care how hard a person tries, they are gonna be criticized no matter what they do. Shoulda, woulda, coulda. Aren’t you still under house arrest?

Seattle seahawks champion claw skinny tumbler

Seattle seahawks champion claw skinny tumbler

BACK ! We are not as stupid as you think! Seattle seahawks champion claw skinny tumbler She knows poverty, don’t share words, how about donate or make a boot camp for kids to learn business. Celebrities live in their secure neighborhoods-then they think they know the hood Al Sharpten- You’ve gone to all time low! You know what they say about desperate people, desperate measures. Here’s the cultural disconnect: WE’RE STILL MARCHING IN 2020… She could do more, being out preaching and begging for peace. Give them all a car or a job. Black or white.

Seattle seahawks champion claw skinny tumbler

Such hostility. I’m shocked, at how people are treating each other, on this page. Let’s come together in harmony, Please! Seattle seahawks champion claw skinny tumbler My admiration and love is for the great lady Oprah Winfrey what a beautiful soul ,always brilliant,educated,courageous, Oprah I’m not any of these celebrities with known names I’ve been fighting another battle stage three twice and lost a love who stopped every thing to take care of me and turn around and lose him to metatastic prostate cancer and then watched through m… See More