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San francisco 49res champion claw skinny tumbler


Aweeee Sadie is so sweet and pretty! I notice in the pictures she loves hanging out with you. Happy 11 years Sadie with a loving family! San francisco 49res champion claw skinny tumbler We have a 3 year old cocker named Peanut Butter because that’s his color. He is so much fun and loving. We have two shih tzu & two Aspin dogs in the house.they brought us joy and we believed that our good fortune may arise cause of them.Love your dog Ms.Oprah. I was in the audience the day you introduced Solomon to the world…he was do beautiful…i worked on the set from Nordstrom, that was a fun day!

San francisco 49res champion claw skinny tumbler

San francisco 49res champion claw skinny tumbler

Oprah Orange looks beautiful o you please give the Dog a hug annda kiss for me please .hopping to meet you soon.daughter always said she was going to write you a letter about me praise God love you hugs and kisses to you and Gail into steadman LOL San francisco 49res champion claw skinny tumbler I had a Cocker Sparky it’s a long story my mom that I should have a dog I was going through a stage in life and depression and I came from California to visit and she got me a little puppy and we were sitting there talking about what are you gonna name… See More

San francisco 49res champion claw skinny tumbler

We have two white cockers now but our chocolate one lived 151/2 years. They are the best . Josie and Jasper 6 and 7 years so much fun. San francisco 49res champion claw skinny tumbler I remember the day, watching your show and I realized you were a dog person, too…it still warms my heart these many years later I love dog ,i have 11 dogs in my house luckily i have enough yard for them to play, back in my Country PHILIPPINES, Isn’t having a fur daughter/son is better than human babies?