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Pigs Welcome People Tolerated Doormat


You will not have any votes from armenian voters. Pelosi needs to go. This women is definitely a scumbbag. She doesnt care about the american people. She is a evil Witch.. People were ready for a stimulus months ago, and you dawdled and postured against it. Stop pretending you care about the American worker, the only reason you’re ready to play now are those dismal poll numbers.. Pelosi just cares about herself and nephew Newson!!!!. Pelosi was even put on blast on CNN for her non cooperation with the president and the stimulus. The dems are fed up with her. Its all her fault.. There should be more then one stimulus . We’ve waited long enough. Pelosi needs the boot! WE NEED HELP NOW!!!. She admitted she doesn’t want Americans to get this relief because it will “give you a victory before the election”. Even someone who isn’t Pro-Trump could notice that. Pigs Welcome People Tolerated Doormat

Pigs Welcome People Tolerated Doormat

Pigs Welcome People Tolerated Doormat

They all must be held accountable! Justice must be served and they all should be treated exactly the way Trump would be treated if he did what they all did to him!. First we must vote all of the Democrats out of office. Then they must be brought to justice.. We know it was a calculated and manipulated to undermine your Presidency, Its shameful what they caused the American People.. Justice needs to be served!. Your plans would have far exceeded even your expectations. But God had other plansnamely that you would rise above the evil forces in the swamp! Now you will prove to the American people that corruption exists and should be expunged!! #TrumpPence202… . We know! Just plow forward with focus on making America great again. There is still lots to be done.. Makes me sad the way you and the American people have been treated by our own treacherous Democratic Party. Shame. Pigs Welcome People Tolerated Doormat

Pigs Welcome People Tolerated Doormat

Thank you President Trump for speaking the truth. We cant get the truth anywhere else, cause mass media either lies or hides it like acebook and itter. God bless you. You dated my mom in high school. Pelosi cares more about illegal immigrants than the public.. She has a job and money, she could care less about others! Selfish cold hearted witch.. She needs Togo. She doesn’t care. She is eating well and not worried about her bills. I’ve been waiting for unemployment for 8 weeks now. Can’t find a job and 3 months behind on my rent. I’m sure she is sleeping well tonight . Shes a power hungry self serving i wont even type it. No care for this country or the people in it. Ask Pelosi when’s feeding time. We’re hungry!. She shouldn’t have any damn influence at all in this matter at this point!! Get her corrupted ass outta there!!!

Why won’t about 20 democrat congressmen drones break with her and do the right thing. The democrat congress members are sticking together to punish Americans and show their muscle.. She has been purely partisan Mr. President about everything since the day that you took office. She is deliberately making millions of Americans suffer just to try to and achieve her own partys political ends. Very sad!! And even somewhat demented!!. Why is Pelosi doing this she’s hurting the American people because she hates Trump. You said you feed the American people well feed us stop playing games. Trump Pence 2020 because our country is at stake and that’s not just a statement that’s the truth… . She is an absolute POS!! She is basically putting a gun to the American people so she can bail out poorly run Democratic states.. Go to work! Stop with stupid masks and distancing. If you get the novel new flu, you get it. Even the older people said they would rather die from that than being alone. It’s total bullshit

We just voted for you and Kamala in tennessee!! The line was long but moved really fast.. I will be voting for you and Kamala tomorrow! I love hearing all the different languages, it’s beautiful!! . Woohoo. Voted straight blue in Texas just now and walked straight to voting machine. . This is awesome ! Unity comes in all sizes, shapes, and colors. This country was founded as a melting pot and should remain so . Great video !. Unity of values and goals makes for a strong nation too. And reaching our goals within Constitutional boundaries is important. CIrcumventing our nations laws IS NOT the answer, Dems!. Thank y’all so much blue blue and blue please vote. Diversity is like being diverse in ideas it create invention and much more bond is strengthen .kamala is capable lady with great ideas. If you actually look at their eyes they are speaking the truth.