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Jack And Sally 3d christmas sweater


RIP RBG but she is the perfect example why we need term limits in Congress and The Supreme Court. May God bless your soul, your suffering is over.. Yes Mark zukenberg , Weve lost another hero. She has done a lot for this country.. We are deeply saddened by thus news. Thank you for all you’ve done. Rest in peace. She was such a beautiful person with a huge heart and an inspiration to so many.I am deeply saddened.. Such a sad moment for our country. This lady is the prime example of why you never give up. Rest in peace, Great Lady.. I didn’t agree with her politics but I admired her greatly as a woman. Such amazing accomplishments!. Yes Mark, you too could be a hero in her footsteps by respecting truth and justice for all men and women! Do your part!. Thank you for hanging in as long as possible Justice Ginsburg. You were an inspiration to all women Jack And Sally 3d christmas sweater

Jack And Sally 3d christmas sweater

Jack And Sally 3d christmas sweater

I feel like youve failed The People, Zuckerburg.. bending and bending more for the leftists; you’ve taken away free speech with these mysterious Fact Checkers” that are only seen on our beloved President Trumps’ Posts.. you are failing The People.. Facebook will no longer be trusted after you had so many posts censored with false information from “Fact Checkers.”. I’ll be voting in person exspecially because I’ll be voting for Trump and we know you won’t be so why do you think our votes would be safe if not in person no thanks. I have never seen so much shit on Facebook about voting I am going to vote and I’m going to vote in person and I hate how Facebook floods that with all that shit about vote vote get over yourselves people. Why are you interfering with an election? Facebook is political now, has been for a while. You’re not putting tape over my censor what you don’t agree with..go vote in person!! Jack And Sally 3d christmas sweater

Jack And Sally 3d christmas sweater

Vote in person, with a mask if you wish. I don’t trust this new form of voting, and you should too.. Stay out of politics!!! You should be investigated for interfering with an election, censorship of conservatives. It is abundantly clear what you are doing. Please everyone watch the Netflix show “The Social Dilemma” so you can see what a real piece of… . National rig the Election Day!. Everyone needs to vote. Go to the polls. Don’t mail those ballots in there is too much voter fraud.. Mark it’s obvious you are a smart guy, but you refuse to do the right thing. With great power come great responsibility and you choose to not take any. I don’t know why, I try to not always attribute malice to people’s motivations but the results of … See More. Yes, we must re-elect Trump to save our country. If you are a registered Democrat and now voting republican be sure you are registered as a Republican so you vote will count. Mail in ballots are fraudulent. VOTE IN PERSON.

Did NOT agree with her politically, but she was a child of God nonetheless. May God welcome you home.. Such a loss for our country. What a role model for girls. So very sad.. RIP. She was a champion for us all.. RIP RBG. You broke the glass ceiling and your humor and class and integrity will be missed. Such a loss.. A true hero! RIP!. May RBG rest in peace!. RIP RBG. Thank you for your service. Now let’s fill that vacancy real quick and reverse Roe v. Wade.. What an amazing American. Such a huge loss for this country.. Thank you for the road you paved for female attorneys and future attorneys like myself Justice Ginsburg. RIP. I wish I could be even half the woman she was. She was a shining example of putting love of your fellow man before politics. She will be missed.. A great lady, mother, role model. Rest In Peace.

That is so awesome Mark, but now the reality of life is foggy. Defend the country from the Russian hackers that are working against Democracy. Thank you Mark, God bless you.. Such an awesome interview, Mark. The excitement on your face was priceless.. well, just no such thing as being fully present if you cannot be there physically; and technology cannot help that.. It will be amazing, the possibility to be anywhere in the world!. There is no such a thing Zuckerberg to fully feel the presence with each other in the virtual world. Virtual world is an imaginary world not a real one. God created us Zuckerberg with the need to hug each other, see each other in person. Your VR world … . It sure would be great in Facebook spent more time on election disinformation, bot accounts, and other malicious use on its platform, vs talking about VR.