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Billy jigsaw illusion halloween doormat


“if you see something that’s not right, say something. Do something. Get into trouble, good trouble” – Congressman John Lewis, Freedom Rider, Legislator, Movement Maker, Legend. Rest in Power, Good Sir. We will do our best to live up to this mantra, ev… See More Billy jigsaw illusion halloween doormat Rest in peace John Lewis. It was a pleasure to have known you. You showed me humility and respect when I was a young intern on Capitol Hill. I will never forget that.

Billy jigsaw illusion halloween doormat

Billy jigsaw illusion halloween doormat

May He Rest In Peace. It is so sad…and scary…that we are loosing so many of our great, honest, caring people, like John Lewis, and John McCain…setting politics aside. Billy jigsaw illusion halloween doormat Events like this have truly inspired me to change my life for the better. I am now pursuing Political Science (Law) and am wanting to make a difference and be an advocate for people. I went through alot of hard times. We MUST make a difference no matte… See More

Billy jigsaw illusion halloween doormat

What a great statement ” get in trouble. good trouble”. I was not aware of John Lewis until his passing (I am not American nor black). What a wonderfully courageous and true life he led! I was thinking about how timely his death was during the current … See More Billy jigsaw illusion halloween doormat So sorry to hear of this great man’s passing. He, and others, accomplished so much in their lifetime. Now you, Oprah, and this next generation must carry the torch of enlightenment, so that we all may truly see and understand.