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Princess consuela banana hammock mug


Other Style : Moteefe / Teechip 

OR buy at : Princess consuela banana hammock mug

n whole series of Friends; Phoebe has been portrayed as a confused and sensitive character. She has been shown most of the time talking to herself when she hears a word. She tries to inter relate words and justifies how a certain word is funny. Remember the episode where Phoebe changes her maiden name after getting married. She unknowingly names herself as ‘Princess Consuela Banana Hammock’. She doesn’t know what Banana Hammock actually means until her friends tell her. She gives reason that she had heard it and found it quite funny.

Princess consuela banana hammock mug

Princess consuela banana hammock mug

Princess consuela banana hammock mug

Same is the story with the name Regina Phallange. Phoebe finds the name Phallange (bone of the finger and toe) funny. The name is first mentioned in Season 5 where Ross was shown to be obsessive about things and acted weirdly. Phoebe helps Ross by pretending to be Ross’s Brain Doctor and justifying his actions. She uses the name Regina Phallange in instant humour. The Regina comes from Retina and Phallange is a bone name so to fake away that she is a brain doctor she uses name which kind of signifies nearby brain region (Eye+bone). That name gets stuck in her head from then and she keeps on using it on many instances when she has to make stories.